, pub-7930638060723111, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 New update Whatsapp conversations can share your Facebook profile - Latest News Net


New update Whatsapp conversations can share your Facebook profile

Will we now be caught by surprise when we're talking, and our conversations Whatsapp appear on our Facebook profile!

A new update of Whatsapp can be to share your conversations to Facebook profile without the people know, but the new message in the new update notifies users of Whatsapp no talk, no numbers will be shared, but does that is guaranteed.

Second information seen in Whatsapp settings in the application, is prescribed (Share the data from my Whatsapp account with Facebook to improve my experiences with ads and products on Facebook).

So is it really that information comes, that conversations and phone numbers will not be shared on Facebook, independent of this new configuration.
Whatsapp To Share user Data With Facebook
Whatsapp and its new update sharing experiences with facebook
Even so the user does not know that this new setting on your Whatsapp is done without him knowing, and to learn this new configuration and disable option if you do not want to share the new experience, must follow certain steps.

Step 1: Open your Whatsapp application, click Contacts, select the menu (Settings)

Step 2: Access option (Account), down scroll bar down you will identify the following information as the picture below:

Step 3: Then just uncheck the green, and complete the process then operation successful, you no longer participate in this experience that Whatsapp want to share with Facebook.

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