, pub-7930638060723111, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dead man at Carrefour Brazil: who was João Freitas - black lives matter - Latest News Net


Dead man at Carrefour Brazil: who was João Freitas - black lives matter

 João Alberto Silveira Freitas's 40-year-old playfulness may have triggered the events that ended with his death after being beaten at a Carrefour unit in the north of Porto Alegre.

According to his wife, elderly caregiver Milena Borges Alves, 43, Freitas is said to have "played" with a local security guard, who called colleagues, who started to follow him and ended up attacking him in the parking lot.

"He was very communicative, very playful. He liked music, kept dancing at home", recalls his wife.
Freitas was retired due to disability after fracturing two fingers and his femur while working at Salgado Filho Airport.

"This is more than ten years ago,'' says the elderly caregiver. The two had been together for nine years. They had no chuildren, but he treated his stepdaughter as such, says the widow.

Less than a year ago, Freitas found a cat in a vacant lot and took it home. It practically did not detach from the animal. " I walked up and down with him. They were very close, " he says. He lived with his wife in an apartment in Vila do Lapi, in the north of the city, a place where the singer Elis Regina was born. The house us about 600 meters from Carrefour, considered a reference supermarket for the family due to its proximity. Last nigth, Milena said that the two went to the market after spending the day with his father. Freitas wanted a bread pudding and the couple went to the market to buy the ingredients, in addition to what was needed for dinner.

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