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Dead man at Carrefour Brazil: who was João Freitas - black lives matter

 João Alberto Silveira Freitas's 40-year-old playfulness may have triggered the events that ended with his death after being beaten at a Carrefour unit in the north of Porto Alegre.

According to his wife, elderly caregiver Milena Borges Alves, 43, Freitas is said to have "played" with a local security guard, who called colleagues, who started to follow him and ended up attacking him in the parking lot.

"He was very communicative, very playful. He liked music, kept dancing at home", recalls his wife.
Freitas was retired due to disability after fracturing two fingers and his femur while working at Salgado Filho Airport.

"This is more than ten years ago,'' says the elderly caregiver. The two had been together for nine years. They had no chuildren, but he treated his stepdaughter as such, says the widow.

Less than a year ago, Freitas found a cat in a vacant lot and took it home. It practically did not detach from the animal. " I walked up and down with him. They were very close, " he says. He lived with his wife in an apartment in Vila do Lapi, in the north of the city, a place where the singer Elis Regina was born. The house us about 600 meters from Carrefour, considered a reference supermarket for the family due to its proximity. Last nigth, Milena said that the two went to the market after spending the day with his father. Freitas wanted a bread pudding and the couple went to the market to buy the ingredients, in addition to what was needed for dinner.

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MC Gui has more shows canceled after Disney bullying video with kid

Funkeiro singer has been removed from the funk prom and children's day party schedule.

MC Gui's video at Disney brings up controversial social media exposure of kids

MC Gui continues having canceled shows after making a video in which he laughs at a girl on a Disney train, published on Tuesday (22).

 In the recording, he and friends laugh while the singer films the visibly troubled girl.

"Bro, look at that," says singer MC Gui, while filming a girl on a Disney train in the United States.  He and his friends laugh at the situation.  The child appears to be aware, bothered and embarrassed by the situation.  The episode was filmed and shared by the 21-year-old musician in his Instagram stories last Monday (21).

 The case sparked outrage in netizens, who sharply criticized the posture of the singer, who has 7.7 million followers on Instagram.  The subject has become one of the most talked about on Twitter in the world.

 The musician deleted the content that exposed the child and recorded videos partially apologizing.

 "I had no intention of judging anyone. I am a human being, I may have been wrong," he said.

 Speaking about the countless negative comments he received, he said that "it is not legal to distribute hate on the Internet."  "I apologize to everyone involved, but only God knows my heart," he said.

 Who is MC Gui?

 Appeared in 2013, nicknamed "Justin Bieber do funk", Guilherme Kaue Castanheira Alves is from São Paulo and is 21 years old.  MC Gui dawned at the height of ostentatious funk, with lyrics and clips extolling products, fame and wealth at the age of 15.  Then he started singing about social themes and trading funk for a more electronic pop sound.

 Shows MC Gui canceled

 Given the negative repercussion, the singer had canceled shows.  One store selling products licensed by the musician has announced that it will not sell anything else related to him, for not indulging in "any kind of prejudice, especially when it comes to a defenseless child."

 The episode involving MC Gui brings up the debate about the wide exposure of children in vexatious situations on the Internet and social networks in videos, photos and memes, many viral.

 This universe of child exposure ranges from content that can be considered image exposure without consent to bullying on a planetary scale.


Carro Eletrico Bolt EV Chevrolet no Brasil

A Chevrolet avalia vender carro eletrico Bolt EV GM no País, mas preço é alto, nos Estados Unidos, subsídios reduziram custo para o Consumidor!

o Bolt ev GM foi testado por jornalistas em Caçapava no interior de SP.

Na semana em que a General Motors anunciou em Detroit, nos Estados Unidos, que vai lançar globalmente pelo menos 20 carros eletricos nos próximos seis anos, a filial brasileira iniciou teste locais com o Bolt EV GM, compacto da marca movido a eletricidade.

A Chevrolet vai realizar vários eventos para mostrar o modelo importado dos EUA, onde foi lançado em dezembro e vendeu, até o mês passado, 14,8 mil unidades. O Bolt EV GM foi testado por jornalistas em Caçapava, interior de São Paulo.

"Vamos estudar os aspectos do mercado local e o interesse de pessoas físicas e empresas na compra desse tipo de produto", diz o vice-presidente da GM Mercosul, Marcos Munhoz. " Precisamos verificar a viabilidade econômica do projeto e a infraestrutura, como postos de abastecimento elétrico, para a comercialização no Brasil".
 Sobre o carro eletrico  Bolt EV Chevrolet

A bateria do Bolt EV Chevrolet tem autonomia para rodar 383 Km com uma carga completa, que está instalada no assoalho, sem interferir no espaço para os cinco ocupantes. Numa tomada caseira de 240 volts leva 9 horas para uma carga completa. Em postos de recarga rápida são três horas, mas em uma hora é possível recarregar 80% da bateria.

No mercado norte-americano o Bolt EV GM tem preço de US$ 37,5 mil, mas, com incentivos governamentais ao consumidor sai por US$ 30 mil ( cerca de R$ 96 mil reais). Em julho, um importador independente trouxe cinco modelos ao País a 289 mil cada um.

Bolt EV Chevrolet tem autonomia para rodar 383 Km

A GM não informa previsões de preço caso o modelo seja importado oficialmente no futuro. A maioria dos países onde carros eletricos são vendidos oferece subsídios. No Brasil, por enquanto, o governo isentou o Imposto de Importação, de 35% e estuda reduzir o IPI, hoje de 25%, para cerca de 7%.

O tema está em análise no programa Rota 2030, a nova política industrial do setor, que estava prevista para ser anunciada 6 de outubro de 2017, mas ficou para o fim do mesmo mês. Nos últimos meses, várias montadoras e países anunciaram metas para reduzir ou suspender a produção de carro com motores a combustão, a maioria até 2040.

No Brasil, o processo de mudança deve ser longo, principalmente em razão dos altos custos da tecnologia e pelo fato de o País utilizar etanol, menos poluente que gasolina e diesel principalmente quando se leva em conta toda a cadeia produtiva do combustível.

Já há alguns modelos elétricos e híbridos á venda no País, como o BMW i3, o Toyota Prius e o Ford Fusion. De janeiro a agosto foram vendidas 2.079 unidades, ante 1.091 em todo ano passado.

Qual é a sua opinião sobre a produção do carro eletrico Bolt EV Chevrolet no Brasil? Deixe-nos saber na seção de comentários abaixo.


New update Whatsapp conversations can share your Facebook profile

Will we now be caught by surprise when we're talking, and our conversations Whatsapp appear on our Facebook profile!

A new update of Whatsapp can be to share your conversations to Facebook profile without the people know, but the new message in the new update notifies users of Whatsapp no talk, no numbers will be shared, but does that is guaranteed.

Second information seen in Whatsapp settings in the application, is prescribed (Share the data from my Whatsapp account with Facebook to improve my experiences with ads and products on Facebook).

So is it really that information comes, that conversations and phone numbers will not be shared on Facebook, independent of this new configuration.
Whatsapp To Share user Data With Facebook
Whatsapp and its new update sharing experiences with facebook
Even so the user does not know that this new setting on your Whatsapp is done without him knowing, and to learn this new configuration and disable option if you do not want to share the new experience, must follow certain steps.

Step 1: Open your Whatsapp application, click Contacts, select the menu (Settings)

Step 2: Access option (Account), down scroll bar down you will identify the following information as the picture below:

Step 3: Then just uncheck the green, and complete the process then operation successful, you no longer participate in this experience that Whatsapp want to share with Facebook.


Starts The Flash 3 season series

The Flash Dubbed or Subtitled - Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was an employee of the Scientific Police, to have an accident, was bathed in chemicals in his lab and then hit by a particle accelerator.

It was from this that he began to be able to channel the coming powers of the Speed field, and get around at top speeds. Using a mask and a red uniform called The Flash, he begins to use his skills to patrol Central City and find out who was the murderer of his mother.

Flash 3 season

Watch the first episode of The Flash Serie 3

Watch the first episode of The Flash Serie 3


New screening method for cars adapted to all budgets

How to Track your car inexpensively, using your smartphone?

Lost your car and can not remember where you parked? It happens to all of us, wandering aimlessly for parking by clicking the panic button on your key chain to make your headlights illuminate.

You do not need an expensive radio transmitter to watch your car. Monitor your wheels for a big eye in the sky without breaking the bank is easier than you think.

autonomous triangulation GPS units and radio can cost hundreds. And that's not counting the installation and activation (often robust) and monthly fee associated with the service you choose. For most of us, it is an exaggeration. The good news is that some of the greatest problems of life seem to be disappearing because of new technology. If you often forget where you parked your car, there is a small device and application that could be what you are looking for.

And what is it?

It's about Trackr, a new small and discreet device, the size of a currency that is revolutionizing the market.

But ... .How does it work?

Very easy! It will take less than five minutes to put it to work. You simply need to pair it with your phone and download the free application that will allow you to locate at any time.

After that, you simply have to put it on your key chain, in your wallet or on any object you want to find forever. In this case you just have to hide it in your car.

Now just open the app on your phone and you can see on the map the location of your device. If you lose your car, simply select "find device" and you will get the coordinates of the new location.

In the video below, you will be able to see it in action

other functions

You forget your wallet very often? Forget where you left your keys? Or want to prevent your pet run away? With Trackr With Trackr you can also track your personal belongings, simply by attaching them to anything you consider important for you or easy to lose, you link to your Smartphone (with Trackr application) you will find what you lost, it's easy !

Detailed instructions on how to use Trackr

Now that you are aware of the potential of this curious device, we will make a brief summary to clear all your doubts:

Step 1: Get Trackr this site, you will have delivered to your home in about 1 week.

Step 2: Connect the Trackr with your smartphone (iPhone or Android) and hide it in your car.
Step 3: Download the app and always have to hand the location of your valuables.

British may have been the first person to be cured of AIDS

An Englishman of 44 years may have become the first person to be cured of HIV in history. According to scientists and latest news, after an experimental method, the virus is completely undetectable in the patient's blood. The man received a vaccine that helps your immune system to detect infected cells. He also took a drug to activate the latent infected cells, which are often not captured by standard treatments.

Currently according to news, antiretroviral therapies have targeted T cells of the immune system, active, who are infected with HIV. However, the treatment can not reach the dormant T cells. This means that the patient's organs continue to reproduce the virus.

latest news about AIDS cure in British 44
latest breaking news on the AIDS cure in British
The new method uses a vaccine that helps the body to recognize cells infected with HIV and a drug, called Vorinostat, which activates dormant cells "dormant", which makes them detectable.
The work is being conducted by a team of five UK universities researchers with 50 people. "We are exploring the possibility of real cure HIV. This is a huge challenge and it's still early, but the progress has been remarkable," said Mark Samuels, director of the National Institute for Health Research Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure.

Despite the promising results, the researchers explain that there is still much for the method to reach the patients. "We will continue with the exams the next five years. In the future, depending on the test results, we can explore this therapy," they say.


Hackers may have made the largest DDoS attack in history

The French hosting provider OVH revealed this week that may have been the largest DDoS attack in history. The company's network was crippled after a stream of hits to your system that went beyond the volume of 1 Terabit per second of traffic.

denial of service attacks distribution (DDoS, its acronym in English) happen when many terminals try to connect to the same server at once, overloading them. According to Octave Klaba, president of OVH, the bombing of access would have been done by a botnet made up of over 150,000 devices connected to the Internet.
Breaking news
DDoS attacks Rachers latest news
The network terminals "zombies" used for the DDoS attack, according Klaba mainly included security cameras and webcams. The attacks were conducted throughout the past week, with other peaks 800 Gbps and 900 Gbps. Added all access peaks, it is likely that the attack traffic generated up to 1.5 Tbps.

"Within a year or two, such attacks will become common," said security expert Martin McKeay, Akamai, in an interview with Ars Technica. "Now that people know that these things [of over 1 Tbps attacks] are possible, they will start to push in this direction. Go make it happen."

Domingos Montagner, of 'Old Boy', dies at age 54 - Brazilian News
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