, pub-7930638060723111, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 New screening method for cars adapted to all budgets - Latest News Net


New screening method for cars adapted to all budgets

How to Track your car inexpensively, using your smartphone?

Lost your car and can not remember where you parked? It happens to all of us, wandering aimlessly for parking by clicking the panic button on your key chain to make your headlights illuminate.

You do not need an expensive radio transmitter to watch your car. Monitor your wheels for a big eye in the sky without breaking the bank is easier than you think.

autonomous triangulation GPS units and radio can cost hundreds. And that's not counting the installation and activation (often robust) and monthly fee associated with the service you choose. For most of us, it is an exaggeration. The good news is that some of the greatest problems of life seem to be disappearing because of new technology. If you often forget where you parked your car, there is a small device and application that could be what you are looking for.

And what is it?

It's about Trackr, a new small and discreet device, the size of a currency that is revolutionizing the market.

But ... .How does it work?

Very easy! It will take less than five minutes to put it to work. You simply need to pair it with your phone and download the free application that will allow you to locate at any time.

After that, you simply have to put it on your key chain, in your wallet or on any object you want to find forever. In this case you just have to hide it in your car.

Now just open the app on your phone and you can see on the map the location of your device. If you lose your car, simply select "find device" and you will get the coordinates of the new location.

In the video below, you will be able to see it in action

other functions

You forget your wallet very often? Forget where you left your keys? Or want to prevent your pet run away? With Trackr With Trackr you can also track your personal belongings, simply by attaching them to anything you consider important for you or easy to lose, you link to your Smartphone (with Trackr application) you will find what you lost, it's easy !

Detailed instructions on how to use Trackr

Now that you are aware of the potential of this curious device, we will make a brief summary to clear all your doubts:

Step 1: Get Trackr this site, you will have delivered to your home in about 1 week.

Step 2: Connect the Trackr with your smartphone (iPhone or Android) and hide it in your car.
Step 3: Download the app and always have to hand the location of your valuables.

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